Vino Orenda

For several years, we struggled to find the right company to create our website. We are very happy that Muud Studio found us! The most valuable aspect of their work is that they get to know in depth the client's business and personal needs. In the creation of our website, they incorporated many of our visions used over the years on our social media, while also providing us with valuable ideas and advice on how to upgrade them. They gave us technical solutions that fit our goals and budget. We are pleased that with their help, we were able to create a practical website that speaks our language and represents our values.

Asen & Valya // Vino Orenda

web design, website development, e-commerce development, website maintenance

Did you know 💡
the background of the page is inspired by the wall in the Vino Orenda's physical shop

Vino Orenda is Sofia's pioneer store dedicated exclusively to Bulgarian wine.

Asen and Valya had a blog that wasn't successfully showcasing their work. Our goal was to transform their online presence with a modern and functional website that makes it easy for users to find the information they need.

The website features two main areas - an informative section that includes a portfolio, blog, and events calendar, and an online shop.

We created a fully optimised design with a clean structure and quick access to events, posts, featured products, and related pages.

Our goal was for the site to resonate with Vino Orenda's character, reflecting their messages, visions, and values, and including various details they used throughout the years.