Website maintenance - why is it necessary?

In this article we will tell you what website maintenance is and why it is important.

So, you've put in the hard work and your website or online store is finally live! That's a huge milestone, but the journey doesn't end here.

Having a website isn't something you can just "set and forget"; it's an ongoing process.

Quality website development takes resources - not just money-wise, but also in terms of the time and energy you put into it.

That's why, once your project is live, your commitment to it continues. Your website needs to grow with you and your business, providing the best user experience for your customers.

Your website or online shop requires regular maintenance in order to run smoothly and efficiently.

And so,

What can we help you with?

We provide ongoing maintenance for your website or online shop to ensure your online presence remains strong well beyond the initial launch.

Even if we didn't develop your site, we're happy to help!

We offer technical maintenance - through regular updates and monitoring, as well as content administration tailored to your needs. Combine these services to boost your business growth.

Website maintenance - what's included?

  1. Regular updates - we keep all components of your website or online store (system, theme, plug-ins) up-to-date, ensuring compatibility and seamless operation. This process is not only of importance for the security of your site, but also boosts its performance and loading speed.
  2. Security monitoring - we continuously monitor your website for vulnerabilities and if any are detected, we promptly address them to protect your site from potential attacks. If a component shows a vulnerability, we update it to the latest bug-fix version immediately, thus eliminating the risk. Cyberattacks are a serious threat, and security breaches are becoming more and more common, even for top-notch software.
  3. Speed & loading time optimisation - we track your website speed and loading time performance to ensure they remain within optimal ranges.
  4. Uptime monitoring - we regularly check your website to ensure that it's running smoothly for your customers.
  5. Back ups - we create monthly backups of your site, so in case of an issue - even something as small as accidentally deleting a file - we can quickly restore it to the last saved version.

Content administration

Администрирането включва промени по дизайна, съдържанието или функционалностите на сайта, така че той да бъде актуален. Например, можем да ти съдействаме с качване или промяна на продукти, добавяне на блог постове или събития, подготовка за сезонни кампании и т.н.

We can also provide monthly reports with data on orders, website traffic, performance, and more.

Why work with us?

Sure, you might be able to manage some basic changes yourself, but for the more complex and responsible behind-the-scenes tasks, you'll need a hand from professionals.

We're here so that you don't have to learn how to technically maintain your website - like performing security and speed updates on the system and all other components.

What's more, the standards for core technologies that websites rely on are constantly changing. That's another good reason to trust a professional website maintenance service.

With us, you'll find like-minded individuals who take care of your website and will promptly assist with even the most complex issues. Our website maintenance service provides thorough care for your online space, allowing you to focus on managing your business.

Send us an inquiry about website development and design, or website maintenance! We'd love to learn more about your project, exchange ideas, and find the best solution that meets your needs and vision, hand-in-hand with you.